We are an alliance of businesses and economic development organizations working together to grow the northern New York region. Click here to request information about how to join our partnership.
Board Members The board of directors meets the third Wednesday of each month at 11:00am via conference call. The Annual Meeting in June and Fall Forum in October are in-person. Agendas and minutes are available at this link.
Carol Calabrese
Ron Charette, Vice President
Ben Dixon
Jeremy Evans
Kate Fish
Brian Gladwin
Patrick Kelly
Duane Pelkey
Franz Phillippe
Marijean Remington, President
Joe Russo, Secretary
Eric Virkler
Donna Wadsworth
Christy Wilt
Jim Wright
Dave Zembiec, Treasurer
Education and Outreach Committee Meets as needed, beginning in January. Agendas and minutes are available at this link.
Reg Carter
Michelle Capone, Chair
Carol Calabrese
Dave Zembiec
Joe Russo
Brian Gladwin
Patrick Kelly
Loan Review Committee Meets the second Thursday of each month. Agendas and minutes are available at this link.
L Marijean Remington
Ron Bacon
Matt Siver
Steve Hunt
John VanDeLoo
Deb McAtee
Brian Gladwin
Tom Plastino, Chair
Ross Pancoe
Ron Charette
Al Dunham
Membership and Communication Committee Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm via conference call. Agendas and minutes are available at this link.
Marijean Remington
Aviva Gold
Duane Pelkey
Matt Siver
Eric Virkler
Joe Russo, Chair
Brian Gladwin
Dale Rice
James Wright
Leann West
Greg Hart
Nominating Committee Meets as needed. Agendas and minutes are available at this link.
Ron Charette, Chair
Joe Russo
Patrick Kelly
Audit/Finance Committee Meets as needed. Agendas and minutes are available at this link.
Marijean Remington
Matt Siver
Dave Zembiec
Eric Virkler, Chair
Brian Gladwin