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The organizations listed and described on this page all have programs designed to help your business grow. If you need help finding the kinds of program you are looking for please contact us.
State Resources
Adirondack Park Agency (APA) The APA is an independent, bipartisan state agency responsible for developing long-range Park policy in a forum that balances statewide concerns and the interests of local governments in the Park. The Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan regulates land use and development activities of privately owned lands. For those interested in pursuing a location within the Adirondack Park region, the APA website provides information for regulations on land use and development activities on the 3.5 million acres of privately owned lands.
Empire State Development (ESD) is committed to creating jobs and encouraging economic prosperity in New York State by strengthening and supporting business expansion and relocation in the area. Empire State Development serves as the front-line ambassador and location specialist for New York State. ESD provides comprehensive site and building information, incentive programs, the quality of life in the neighborhoods you are considering, and opportunities for joint ventures and strategic alliances with New York State companies.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) New York State is committed to the protection of the state's environmental quality and natural resources, consistent with sound economic development. The DEC website has a list of publications, forms and other information that will help your business conserve time, energy and resources.
New York State Department of State licenses more than 650,000 individuals, including the real estate and cosmetology industries, private investigators and notaries. The Office of Business and Licensing Services interacts extensively with the state's business community. The Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code, the Division of Cemeteries, the Division of Licensing Services and the Division of Administrative Rules are all housed in this Office.
New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) The New York State Department of Transportation was formed to deal with the State's complex transportation system and an increasing need to coordinate development of transportation. For complete information, link to the DOT website. Additionally, the link, Doing Business with the Department of Transportation, provides information regarding contractors, consultants, commodities, and services for the DOT.
New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC) NYSEDC provides numerous benefits to member organizations and development professionals. Core services include lobbying state and federal government on issues affecting New York's business climate and economic development programs; conducting educational and professional development programs for NYSEDC members to enhance their effectiveness as local/regional/state economic developers; and organizing business marketing programs to promote New York as a world class business location, and provide opportunities for NYSEDC members to market their regions of New York to potential business investors.
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority is a public benefit corporation created in 1975 by the New York State Legislature. The principal goal is to help businesses, municipalities, and residents of New York State solve their energy and environmental problems. NYSERDA also offers assistance to develop new, innovative products and services that can be manufactured or commercialized by New York State firms.
Regional Resources
Adirondack Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) The AEDC is a nonprofit regional development corporation that provides technical assistance and financing to entrepreneurs andsmall business concerns and also works with communities to diversify the regional economy and expand employment opportunities for the region's residents.
Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA) ANCA is a 14-county association in the North Country committed to economic improvement. Since incorporation in 1954, ANCA has worked to create a greater sense of regional identity and pride through advocacy and promotion. ANCA is a voice for the North Country. Additionally, ANCA offers enterprise and community development information beneficial for doing business in the North Country.
CITEC CITEC is your source in New York for manufacturing and technology solutions. CITEC provides technical assistance to increase productivity and enhance competitiveness. CITEC has offices in Plattsburgh, Potsdam and Watertown.
Development Authority of the North Country (DANC)DANC is a New York State chartered public benefit corporation, created in 1985. Its service area is Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties. It was created to address the infrastructure and community development needs of the region.
North Country Regional Economic Development Council The local council's vision is to energize our micropolitan cities, building on growth in the aerospace, transit equipment, defense, biotech, and manufacturing industries; attract and nurture entrepreneurial pioneers to cultivate innovative clusters in our rural communities; mobilize the creativity and capacity of the graduates of our outstanding places of higher education; catalyze the highest per capita rate of small business start-ups in the state; elevate global recognition of the region as one of the special places on the planet to visit, live, work and study; activate tourism as a driver to diversify our economies; propagate an agricultural revolution as we help feed the region and the world; and create the greenest energy economy in the state.
County Resources
At the local level, member organizations of the North Country Alliance provide hands-on help and connections to key resources to help businesses get started or expand.
Hamilton CountyHamilton County Industrial Development Agency
Essex CountyEssex County Industrial Development Agency
Clinton CountyThe Development Corporation of Clinton County
Plattsburgh North Country Chamber of Commerce
Plattsburgh Small Business Development Center
Franklin County
County of Franklin Industrial Development Agency
St. Lawrence CountyCanton Office of Economic Development
Canton Small Business Development Center
City of Ogdensburg Office of Planning and Development
St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce
St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency
Village of Potsdam Planning & Development
Jefferson County
Greater Watertown-North Country Chamber of Commerce
Jefferson County Economic Development
Watertown Small Business Development Center
Lewis County
Lewis County Industrial Development Agency
Lewis County Office of Economic Development and Planning
NCA Partners